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Best Heart Specialist in Mohali, Punjab

The average human heart beats more than 100,000 times in a single day, making it one of the most complex working muscles in the body. It is important to practice preventative care for this vital organ.

Diseases of the heart are the top reason for death in both the US and the rest of the globe. It can be challenging for those who do not have a history of heart illness to determine when they should visit a cardiologist. 

General cardiologists are doctors who focus on the heart. If you are at risk of cardiovascular disease, a regular checkup with a heart specialist in Mohali can help you stay on top of your heart health. 

In the United States, cardiovascular disease kills one person every 34 seconds. Further, in 2020, heart disease was the cause of mortality for around 697,000 Americans, that is one in five fatalities.

When Should You See a Cardiologist?

Heart disease is a silent killer that often doesn’t show any signs until a significant health event like a heart stroke. This is why it’s essential to figure out your potential risks now and learn to spot the early warning signs. As a result, you can get treatment for preventative measures while there’s still time. You should consult the best heart doctor in Mohali for medical advice if any of the following conditions exist:
  • Whenever You Are Experiencing Discomfort in Your Chest

In spite of the fact that soreness in the chest can have a wide variety of origins, including heartburn. Hence, anybody who experiences chest pain should visit the best heart hospital in Mohali as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of heart-related complications.
  • If you’re a smoker

If you smoke cigarettes, either presently or in the past, your chance of developing coronary heart disease is significantly enhanced. The inner lining of the arteries is harmed by smoking, which contributes to the accumulation of plaque and may lead to potentially life-threatening blockages.
  • When You Have Gum Disease

Inflammation is the characteristic of gum disease, which poses a significant risk to the heart. When someone has periodontitis, germs that are damaging to the body are also created. When this bacterium enters the bloodstream, it can cause inflammation in other regions of the body since the blood carries germs throughout the body.
  • You’ve been told you have diabetes

Heart disease is two to four times more common in adults with diabetes than in adults without diabetes. According to the American Heart Association, diabetes is one of seven major risk factors for heart disease that people can do something about. Do something about it and try to get it under control.
  • You have a previous medical history of having high cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty chemical that may be found in a variety of meals, and your liver can also produce that. A high cholesterol level can play a role in plaque formation in the arteries. Eating a diet low in saturated fat, whole grains, and legumes is one of the best methods to bring down your cholesterol levels. Your doctor may recommend drugs to treat your cholesterol that also assist in reducing the likelihood that you will have a heart attack. You should consult your best heart doctor in Mohali about foods that are good for your heart. Further, always keep an eye on your cholesterol level to lower your risk of developing heart disease.
  • You’ve had kidney disease for a long time

If your kidneys don’t work right, your chance of getting heart disease goes up. Heart disease and high blood pressure are both linked to kidney disease. A cardiologist can talk to you about how your health problem impacts your heart and enable you to lower your chances of getting heart disease. Hence, if you have some kidney issues, you must visit the best heart doctor in Mohali.
  • You haven’t been very active, but you want to start working out

Exercise is good for your health in many ways and is one of the most important things you can do to prevent and treat heart disease. But some heart problems can make it dangerous to exercise. If you’ve been inactive for a while and want to start working out again, or if you have more than one of the above risk factors for heart disease, you should talk to your doctor first. One person who ran a marathon says that this step saved his life.
  • When heart disease runs in your family

Researchers have found that genes play a significant role in whether or not someone gets heart disease. If a first-degree relative of yours had the disease, it makes it more likely that you will too. High blood pressure and diabetes, which often lead to heart disease, may also be passed down through genes.
  • When You Suffer from Preeclampsia

It is possible for a pregnant woman to develop preeclampsia, which is characterized by elevated blood pressure. The illness has been associated with a fourfold increase in the chance of heart failure. This makes pregnancy the riskiest time for a woman’s heart outside post-menopausal periods.
Heart disease is way too common, and there are a lot of different things that can cause it. If you have any of the above problems, your cardiovascular health should be your top priority. Regardless of whether there are no symptoms of a problem or you think you are in good health, heart disease is sneaky and can strike when you least expect it. Make sure your health is safe, and your heart is strong by making an appointment with a heart specialist in Mohali.

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